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(nothing much on this page yet - some Tolkien-based puzzles pending)

I have a dozen or more music CDs inspired by Tolkien. Here is what I think about them.

I have been a member of the Tolkien Society since 1986, though not a terribly active member. The society has smaller sub-groups called smials and in 1993 I was one of the founder members of the smial Bucklebury Ferry. We met in Leicester and our summer garden party once featured on Radio 4. (Click here for transcript thereof.) The smial was ably led for four years by Sally Bijl, but sadly faded from existence in 1997. My only other contributions to the Tolkien Society have been attending the Tolkien Centenary Oxonmoot in 1992 and occasionally sending puzzles and stuff to the society's bulletin, Amon Hen. Some of those puzzles are availble on this web site...(pending).

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